Fostering academic excellence and biblical virtue to equip students for lives as local and global Christian servants.

Proctoring Tests at Home

High School and Middle School Courses

Proctored exams provide considerable academic benefit to the student:

  • Preparation (higher grades). Students who prepare for a single-sitting proctored test will study more carefully and take the test more thoroughly. They are also more likely to review their test prior to submitting it, and more likely to submit it correctly on time. Learning to take proctored tests is also an essential skill for standardized exams and college success.
  • Avoid Mistakes. Effective engaged proctoring prevents costly errors such as leaving questions blank, submitting the wrong version or wrong document, failing to check over the exam before submitting, failing to verify the document after it is submitted, and more. the student should be able to focus on the academic aspects of the exam, while the proctor oversees to prevent costly administrative and technical errors.
  • Accountability. If something goes wrong during the exam, the proctor can ensure the exam process remains valid (not compromised) and provide accountability for the student. This avoids the student being placed in the position of having to explain or justify a problem without the benefit of accountable oversight and covering.
  • Credibility. Students take TPS courses because TPS provides the strongest academic education with full credibility. The TPS name and logo carry this meaning worldwide. One of the many reasons we have this reputation is because we certify accomplishment of high academic standards with verifiable processes and records. We do not just claim “high standards” — we continually prove them with external testing and verifiable accountable processes.
Elementary School Courses

Elementary School students need assistance, support, and oversight. If the proctor form and process are used in a TPS Elementary School course, the purpose of the proctor is more oversight and training to encourage and develop good test-taking skills. The role of the proctor is more instruction (teaching the student to take the test carefully and methodically) and support (e.g., helping the student to assemble the test and submit it completely and correctly).

  • For students taking a High School or Middle School course for TPS transcript credit, we require that a parent or designated adult proctor each exam using our proctor guidelines.
  • Elementary School courses do not require formal exam proctoring.
  • Exam proctoring is not required when the course is taken in No TPS Credit (i.e., no TPS transcript) status.

TPS is committed to giving students the best preparation for college and career. Proctored tests are beneficial and important for accountability and credibility. They contribute to increased learning retention and higher course grades. They prepare students for standardized tests and college tests. They also provide an easy opportunity for busy parents to contribute to and oversee their students’ education.