Are you planning to take TPS Precalculus, Statistics, or Quantitative Reasoning in the fall and want to brush up your Algebra 2 skills? Are you joining TPS for the first time and want a jump start? Are you planning to take the SAT and want to strengthen your math abilities? Algebra 2 Review will review the major topics and strengthen the skills from your Algebra 2 course. Topics include linear and quadratic functions with systems of equations, polynomial functions involving real and complex solutions, rational and radical functions, inverse functions including logarithmic and exponential functions, sequences and series, and basic trigonometry. This interactive class will help you solidify important advanced Algebra concepts and strengthen critical thinking skills for success in higher mathematics. No book is required for this course — all worksheets, activities and solutions will be provided by the teacher.
Algebra 2 Review
• Successful completion of TPS Algebra 2
Notes and Conditions
Relaxed: TPS Summer classes are relaxed in attendance and assignments are optional. Enjoy your summer break while preparing for the next school year.
Transcript Planning: This course provides weekly practice, evaluation and feedback in math skills related to the level of the course. The course is valuable for strengthening foundational skills to smooth out rough patches from the prior school year or give a head start for the next school year. Individual assignments receive feedback and a grade, but the course has no final grade or credit. The course is not a prerequisite for and does not provide placement approval for any TPS course.