In this course students will develop an understanding of critical mathematical thinking through an emphasis on reasoning, analysis, and problem-solving. Classes will engage students with visual and dynamic activities, and problems will be modeled with professional teaching instruction. Students will also have the opportunity for guided and independent practice. Topics include learning manipulation of variables in expressions and equations, order of operations, data analysis, operations with rational numbers, solving equations, solving inequalities, inverse variation, writing function rules, rate of slope and change, writing linear equations, graphing absolute value equations, linear inequalities, properties of exponents, polynomials, factoring, quadratic equations, radical equations, and rational expressions. Students will apply principle-based strategies with a synergistic emphasis on the three major areas of visual representation of algebraic concepts, manipulation of algebraic equations, and application to practical problems. Successful completion of this course will give students the foundation they need for all high school math and science courses that require Algebra as a prerequisite.
Notes and Conditions
Standard vs. Honors: For students planning to take Calculus in high school or college, we recommend considering the Honors version of this course. Either version is adequate preparation for Calculus, but the Honors version is specifically designed toward that purpose.
Curriculum: TPS uses the award-winning Elayn Martin-Gay High School Series (AGA). The Martin-Gay series is one of the few curricula (out of the many we reviewed) that has scope and level we require, including standard and honors level. It follows well from the Math Mammoth series we use in our Math Fundamentals and Pre-Algebra courses. It features a rich set of thousands of supplemental videos to aid self study. And it includes excellent on-line MyMathLab resources, which is the same platform already used by TPS Precalculus and Calculus. (This information should not be used for ordering materials, as TPS will be providing special bundle ISBN’s required for ordering.)