Fostering academic excellence and biblical virtue to equip students for lives as local and global Christian servants.

American History, Lit, and Comp

Course Catalog ID:
Subject Categories:
English Language Arts, History, Literature and Media, Writing and Composition

Using an integrated approach to American history and literature from colonial beginnings through the 20th century, this course explores the big questions of American history: What motivated the colonists to leave the familiar for the new world? How did a biblical worldview influence the writing of the Constitution? How have those ideas shaped the formation of the early republic and the continuation since? Corresponding to the history is an in-depth examination of the great works of American literature from Puritan poets and preachers, to political pamphleteers, to the writers who shaped the infant nation’s creative explosion during the 19th-20th centuries. Students will discover how average farmers, pastors, merchants, politicians, journalists, and fisherman developed a distinctly American style and voice through non-fiction, poetry, short stories, and Great American Novels. The course also teaches analytical essay writing at the TPS English 3 level. In addition to essays, students will analyze the significant historical events using primary sources and scored discussions. Students will learn to read scholarly non-fiction books, learn to discern reliable sources, and learn to write a research paper with an effective argument. Students will also engage in a constructive process of self-evaluation and editing. A TPS English 3 level course is the most essential English course a student will take in high school because it will raise essay grades in all of the courses taken after it. This two-credit course covers English 3 analytical writing, American Literature, and U.S. History all in one great and challenging course.

Grade Levels*:
9, 10
* Enrollment restricted based on Date of Birth and Grad Year (whichever is more limiting). Enrollment outside these levels requires written concurrence from TPS Support.
• Successful completion (70% or higher) of TPS English 2 Lit and Comp
━ OR ━
• Successful completion of Readiness Test
Notes and Conditions

EFL Program: Students with EFL-A Tutoring may not take this course.

Transcript Planning: On a transcript, this integrated course lists as two Honors courses — an English course credit and a History course credit.

“WOW! What a class!!! Combining American History with English and studying literature throughout the centuries of this nation was an incredible experience. I cannot begin to describe all the insight I acquired through this class… the teacher is amazing and always brings such eye-opening content during the class lectures. I learned SO much about U.S. History all through a Biblical lens. The assignments, though a lot of reading, were certainly fun and thought-provoking. And this class even amplified my love for history, to the point of me writing historical fiction novels! I have nothing but good things to say about this class and I will miss it so much!”

Nicole S

“I would recommend this course to anyone who desires to gain a fairly complete understanding of the United States’ history, as well as learn how to be a proficient writer. I have learned more about America’s history from this course than I ever would have thought, and feel very prepared to write any kind of academic paper for the rest of my high school career.”

Stephen N

“While this course was extremely challenging, it also taught me so much. The feedback on assignments helped grow my writing skills, and the in-class discussions were fun and helped me to understand the time period better. Overall, between the reading, writing, discussion, and overall learning, I thoroughly enjoyed this course!”

Madeleine D

“My two favorite subjects in school are English and history, so this was the perfect class for me! I loved reading about America’s history, from the founding of it to the the Roaring Twenties to the Civil Rights Movement to the counterculture of the 60s. Being able to read the literature of the period made it even more captivating. My writing was also challenged, developed, and strengthened, and I hope that I’ve become an effective and intentional writer through this course.”

Anise K

“This was my FAVORITE course I’ve taken in my five years at TPS. It transformed my writing skills from a middle school level to a high school level, and I feel so prepared for writing courses that I might take in the future. I could go on ranting for ages about how much I love this course. It combines history and English so we can connect the two together and apply them to one another. It’s really interesting to see the historical influences on the literary genres and writers of each time period. Although this course was challenging at times, I still enjoyed it very much because the teacher helped us overcome those challenges and improve as a result. After taking this course, I know how to correctly and easily cite in MLA format, how to write effective claim statements, how to improve diction, how to write a formal research paper, how to analyze art, film, and writing, and so, so much more. Even when I compare my writing from the beginning of the semester to my writing now, I can see how much I improved. Overall, I just love, love, love this course!!”

Jane J

“This course was significantly more challenging than any other history or English course I’ve taken, but it pushed me and taught me to write strong essays, develop a deeper understanding of American history, and take detailed notes. This class caused me to improve greatly in my writing and reading skills. I would recommend this course to all who are willing to take a challenge, learn to write fluent essays with ease, and at the same time dig deep into American history.”

Serena K

“This was a hard class but it was worth it! I loved how we covered so many aspects of America’s history (its economy, politics, literature, culture, and people). I’m not the biggest English fan in the world, but I really enjoyed how most of the essays and paragraphs in this course were about history. I learned a lot — not only about history, literature, and composition but also about hard work and deeper thinking. Would definitely recommend to any student ready to work hard and learn a lot!”

Ashlyn D

“This course greatly strengthened my writing, analysis, and thinking skills. Though the course was vigorous overall, the material presented was intriguing as we got to read many important US documents, write about engaging topics, and read exciting books. The teacher was extremely friendly, listened to all our questions, and gave helpful answers.”

Malachi G

“This fantastic course should be considered by any student interested in American History and Literature. The teacher clarifies and greatly expands on the material covered outside of class, helping students to gain new insight into the topics discussed, all while keeping history fun. The teacher expands on the literature as well, providing insight into the author’s backstories and the reason behind their works of literature. The class atmosphere stays respectful and friendly even when controversial topics are brought up. The writing section of the class allows students to dive more deeply into the literature of the periods in history covered, allowing them to create opinions and take stances on historical topics.”

Reviews from Students and Parents