French is spoken on all continents and by more than 220 million people in over 40 countries. An estimated one-third of English words are derived from French, and if you speak English then you may already know some 15,000 French words without having studied the language! This course uses an academic French curriculum with great multimedia resources for learning and practicing the language. The pace and workload are friendly for a student who wants only two years of French for college readiness. Students review the three verb families in present and past tenses. Then the reflexive verbs and more tenses like the imperfect, future, subjunctive, conditional are introduced. The vocabulary includes words for family, friends, celebration, school, shopping and cooking, daily routines, country life, camping, health, vacation and leisure activities. As the course progresses, the students will acquire more grammar and build more complex sentences. Throughout the course, students learn about French-speaking countries and their culture.
French 2 Language and Culture
Notes and Conditions
Standard vs. Honors: This standard level course is designed for students who want only two years of French for college readiness. This is the final course in the standard two-year college preparation track. It has a lower workload and slower pace than French 2 (Honors), and does not progress far enough to prepare the student for TPS French 3 and higher. Students who might want to take TPS French 3 after this course would be required to first take TPS French 2 (Honors) before enrolling in TPS French 3.
New Course: This course will be offered starting 2026-27. It is the second year of French following the new TPS French 1 (standard level) which is offered starting in 2025-26.