Fostering academic excellence and biblical virtue to equip students for lives as local and global Christian servants.

Pre-Algebra Prep Camp (Math 6 Review)

Course Catalog ID:
Subject Categories:
Math, Summer Course

Do you need a review of your last year of computational math or an extra boost before Pre-Algebra? Do you want to reinforce your prior math course or keep your math skills fresh over the summer? Are you joining TPS for the first time and want to make sure you are ready for Pre-Algebra? Students answering yes to any of these questions will benefit from this course. We will reinforce the major concepts and computational skills required for starting a Pre-Algebra course. The course will strengthen critical thinking and problem-solving skills, while reviewing and reinforcing the four basic operations, expressions and equations, decimals, ratios, percent, factoring, fractions, integers, geometry, and statistics.

Grade Levels*:
7, 8, 9, 10
* Enrollment restricted based on Date of Birth and Grad Year (whichever is more limiting). Enrollment outside these levels requires written concurrence from TPS Support.
Notes and Conditions

Relaxed: TPS Summer classes are relaxed in attendance and assignments are optional. Enjoy your summer break while preparing for the next school year.

Transcript Planning: This course provides weekly practice, evaluation and feedback in math skills related to the level of the course. The course is valuable for strengthening foundational skills to smooth out rough patches from the prior school year or give a head start for the next school year. Individual assignments receive feedback and a grade, but the course has no final grade or credit. The course is not a prerequisite for and does not provide placement approval for any TPS course.

“Pre-Algebra Prep Camp definitely helped me improve in math. It also helped me recap what I learned previously. I recommend this course to anyone who feels like they might be weak in math and wants a review of Grade 6 before diving into the new school year.”

Hannah A

“Pre-Algebra Prep Camp is great. The teacher teaches you math in the easiest, most fun way possible. I learned so much and even some math skills that I never heard of.”

Jelena C

“This course helped to review on areas I needed help with. My teacher was really nice and explained the math concepts clearly.”

Elijah S
Reviews from Students and Parents