Fostering academic excellence and biblical virtue to equip students for lives as local and global Christian servants.

New and Improved for 2025-26

Notice: This page is currently being updated for 2025-26. We welcome you to review it now, and we encourage you to check back again for further updates.

Are you new?

If you’re new to TPS, welcome! We welcome the opportunity to meet with you prior to or during your first enrollment to provide helpful orientation, academic advising, course selection and placement assistance, and general support to help make your entry experience successful and efficient.

Do you already know TPS?

If you’ve been with us before, welcome back! We encourage you to review our site and explore our course catalog, both of which have improvements, changes, and updates. Here is a short summary of changes or updates:

Universal Standard for Assignments

Starting 2025-26, all assignments will use the universal cross-platform PDF document type:

  • Any word processor can produce a PDF document with formatting intact.
  • For handwritten work, scanning to PDF is a simple process supported on any phone, tablet, or computer.
  • For exams, adding the proctor form is a simple PDF merge rather than a cumbersome error-prone copy-paste.
  • The free cross-platform Adobe Acrobat Reader makes it easy to read teacher feedback in returned assignments on any platform, any device, and any browser.
Global Languages
  • We offer several language courses – including Spanish and French – in two versions: Standard and Honors.
    • TPS Standard Global Language courses are one day per week.
    • TPS Honors Global Language courses are two days per week.
  • Our Spanish and French courses are historically proven to be excellent preparation for AP Spanish and AP French, where our students earn nearly all top scores of 5 on the AP® exam.
  • However, many students want only two years of a global language (the minimum needed for college application), and we have received numerous requests for a less demanding two-year track in Spanish and French.
  • For 2025-26, we are fully rebuilding the courses to significantly reduce the pace and workload of Spanish 1 and French 1 standard (non-Honors) courses.
  • In 2026-27, we will add Spanish 2 and French 2 standard courses to follow at the same reduced pace and workload, completing the ideal track for students who want only two years of the language.
  • The Honors courses will continue as the ideal path for students who may want to achieve proficiency by taking Year 3 or beyond in Spanish or French.
U.S. Government and Economics
  • Essentially all U.S states require at least a semester of U.S. Government and most require at least a semester of introductory Economics.
  • TPS has previously supported these requirements with a one-year combined course course and with other single semester courses.
  • For 2025-26, we are overhauling our semester courses and eliminating the combined course.
    • The new courses are significantly updated and improved over all versions of the older ones.
    • The new courses are offered with maximum flexibility for students in meeting graduation requirements, individual preferences, and scheduling challenges.
New and Updated Courses

Discover other new and updated courses in list of “hidden treasure” courses you might otherwise not know to look for in our extensive catalog.