Fostering academic excellence and biblical virtue to equip students for lives as local and global Christian servants.

“This was my FAVORITE course I’ve taken in my five years at TPS. It transformed my writing skills from a middle school level to a high school level, and I feel so prepared for writing courses that I might take in the future. I could go on ranting for ages about how much I love this course. It combines history and English so we can connect the two together and apply them to one another. It’s really interesting to see the historical influences on the literary genres and writers of each time period. Although this course was challenging at times, I still enjoyed it very much because the teacher helped us overcome those challenges and improve as a result. After taking this course, I know how to correctly and easily cite in MLA format, how to write effective claim statements, how to improve diction, how to write a formal research paper, how to analyze art, film, and writing, and so, so much more. Even when I compare my writing from the beginning of the semester to my writing now, I can see how much I improved. Overall, I just love, love, love this course!!”