Fostering academic excellence and biblical virtue to equip students for lives as local and global Christian servants.

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TPS History, Government and Social Studies Courses

“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof,
the world and those who dwell therein…” (Ps 24:1)

Social Studies (also called Social Sciences) is a group of interrelated academic disciplines that study historical and contemporary human individual behaviors, group behaviors, events, cultures, and ideologies. A biblical worldview studies these as elements of God’s created design and sovereign plan.

What distinguishes TPS Social Studies courses from those offered by others?

Psalm 24 provides a foundation and framework for study of History and Social Studies within TPS, resulting in several academic distinctives taught in all our courses:

  • All things belong to God and all happenings are in God’s good plan.
  • All people are created equal in God’s image, and we are all equally fallen and in need of redemption.
  • We emphasize objective analysis of original sources and contexts so we can better understand matters that are different in historical time and cultural context from our own individual experience.

“Christian” social studies often create artificial distinctions between “secular” and “sacred” things, events, or people, sometimes with an “us versus them” polemic agenda. Our courses emphasize the eternal goodness of God and His plan, and the equality of all mankind in creation and fallenness. We study for understanding rather than for polemics.

Our goal in TPS History, Government and Social Studies is to prepare students to compassionately understand, respectfully engage, and winsomely influence their world for God.

Our goal in TPS History, Government and Social Studies is to prepare students to compassionately understand, respectfully engage, and winsomely influence their world for God.

Students who take a well-planned set of TPS History and Social Studies courses will have unparalleled academic preparation for lives as local and global Christian servants.

What Others Are Saying

Read what other students and parents have to say about TPS history, government, and social studies classes.

Suggested History, Government and Social Studies Sequence

Click the image below to open a new tab for easier reading. Suggested grade levels and prior courses are not prerequisites.

History Courses and Tracks

Suggested HS History Tracks

Nearly every U.S. state requires a U.S. History course in high school, and most colleges also expect to see a World History course on the high school transcript.

It should also be considered that most U.S. states also require a U.S. Government course (at least one semester) and some require an Economics course (at least one semester). TPS offers multiple course (listed below) to meet these requirements in a standard or challenge opportunity.

These two suggested tracks are provided to assist with thoughtful development of a four-year high school history plan. Each course is enrolled individually each year with no requirement or expectation to stay on a “track”.

Social Studies U.S. Essentials Track
History Without Gaps Track
History Challenge Track
History Courses
Grades 7-8
Grades 9-12
Grades 10-12
AP® / College Dual Credit
Government and Social Studies Courses
Grades 6-8
Grades 9-12
AP® / College Dual Credit
Integrated History and Literature Courses
  • History and Literature share a long relationship as the core “Humanities” and it is natural to study them together.
  • TPS offers a series of integrated Literature and History courses from elementary through upper high school.
  • For upper high school, we feature High Scholars, a two-year high school integrated history, literature, and cultural worldviews curriculum that earns 24 college credits and six (6) high school credits.
Grades 5-6
Grades 6-7
Grades 9-10 (Honors)
Grades 10-12 (College Dual Credit)
TPS High Scholars

In a partnership between TPS and Belhaven University, High Scholars is a traditional Great Books program that studies western history, literature, and art from ancient to contemporary historical periods.

  • 24 college credits from Belhaven University – Freshman Comp 1 and 2, World Lit 1 and 2, Western History 1 and 2, Contemporary History, Art Appreciation.
  • Six high school course credits from TPS – Western Lit (2 courses), Western History, Contemporary World History, Western Worldviews, Art History
  • Four engaging classes each week (with some attendance flexibility), including regular “round table” discussions.
  • Two year curriculum (you can also take either year without the other) welcomes grade 10 and up.
  • Content integration allows for lower total workload than each subject taken separately.
Course Catalog

To find more details on these and related courses, please select the “History,” “Government,” or “Social Science” category in our Course Catalog.

TPS is authorized by the College Board to offer certified AP® courses under AI / CEEB code 470144. AP® is a trademark owned by the College Board, which is not affiliated with and does not endorse these courses.

Academic Planner
New / Updated
Summer Classes
Elementary Classes
Honors Courses
AP Courses
College Dual Credit
Art / Graphics
Bible / Worldview
Business / Mgt
Computer Apps
EFL English
Global Languages
High Scholars
History / Gov’t
Lit + History

TPS History, Government and Social Studies Courses

“The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof,
the world and those who dwell therein…” (Ps 24:1)

Social Studies (also called Social Sciences) is a group of interrelated academic disciplines that study historical and contemporary human individual behaviors, group behaviors, events, cultures, and ideologies. A biblical worldview studies these as elements of God’s created design and sovereign plan.

What distinguishes TPS Social Studies courses from those offered by others?

Psalm 24 provides a foundation and framework for study of History and Social Studies within TPS, resulting in several academic distinctives taught in all our courses:

  • All things belong to God and all happenings are in God’s good plan.
  • All people are created equal in God’s image, and we are all equally fallen and in need of redemption.
  • We emphasize objective analysis of original sources and contexts so we can better understand matters that are different in historical time and cultural context from our own individual experience.

“Christian” social studies often create artificial distinctions between “secular” and “sacred” things, events, or people, sometimes with an “us versus them” polemic agenda. Our courses emphasize the eternal goodness of God and His plan, and the equality of all mankind in creation and fallenness. We study for understanding rather than for polemics.

Our goal in TPS History, Government and Social Studies is to prepare students to compassionately understand, respectfully engage, and winsomely influence their world for God.

Our goal in TPS History, Government and Social Studies is to prepare students to compassionately understand, respectfully engage, and winsomely influence their world for God.

Students who take a well-planned set of TPS History and Social Studies courses will have unparalleled academic preparation for lives as local and global Christian servants.

What Others Are Saying

Read what other students and parents have to say about TPS history, government, and social studies classes.

Suggested History, Government and Social Studies Sequence

Click the image below to open a new tab for easier reading. Suggested grade levels and prior courses are not prerequisites.

History Courses and Tracks

Suggested HS History Tracks

Nearly every U.S. state requires a U.S. History course in high school, and most colleges also expect to see a World History course on the high school transcript.

It should also be considered that most U.S. states also require a U.S. Government course (at least one semester) and some require an Economics course (at least one semester). TPS offers multiple course (listed below) to meet these requirements in a standard or challenge opportunity.

These two suggested tracks are provided to assist with thoughtful development of a four-year high school history plan. Each course is enrolled individually each year with no requirement or expectation to stay on a “track”.

Social Studies U.S. Essentials Track
History Without Gaps Track
History Challenge Track
History Courses
Grades 7-8
Grades 9-12
Grades 10-12
AP® / College Dual Credit
Government and Social Studies Courses
Grades 6-8
Grades 9-12
AP® / College Dual Credit
Integrated History and Literature Courses
  • History and Literature share a long relationship as the core “Humanities” and it is natural to study them together.
  • TPS offers a series of integrated Literature and History courses from elementary through upper high school.
  • For upper high school, we feature High Scholars, a two-year high school integrated history, literature, and cultural worldviews curriculum that earns 24 college credits and six (6) high school credits.
Grades 5-6
Grades 6-7
Grades 9-10 (Honors)
Grades 10-12 (College Dual Credit)
TPS High Scholars

In a partnership between TPS and Belhaven University, High Scholars is a traditional Great Books program that studies western history, literature, and art from ancient to contemporary historical periods.

  • 24 college credits from Belhaven University – Freshman Comp 1 and 2, World Lit 1 and 2, Western History 1 and 2, Contemporary History, Art Appreciation.
  • Six high school course credits from TPS – Western Lit (2 courses), Western History, Contemporary World History, Western Worldviews, Art History
  • Four engaging classes each week (with some attendance flexibility), including regular “round table” discussions.
  • Two year curriculum (you can also take either year without the other) welcomes grade 10 and up.
  • Content integration allows for lower total workload than each subject taken separately.
Course Catalog

To find more details on these and related courses, please select the “History,” “Government,” or “Social Science” category in our Course Catalog.

TPS is authorized by the College Board to offer certified AP® courses under AI / CEEB code 470144. AP® is a trademark owned by the College Board, which is not affiliated with and does not endorse these courses.