Fostering academic excellence and biblical virtue to equip students for lives as local and global Christian servants.

French Conversations for French 1B

Course Catalog ID:
Subject Categories:
Global Language

One session of foreign language instruction a week is good for some, but not optimal for others. Do you feel that your TPS French 1B student would benefit from more review of the vocabulary taught in the weekly lesson, more time to ask questions, and more opportunity to practice their conversational skills to promote mastery? Then enhance your student’s French learning experience with this optional “Conversations” class! This 90-minute session is intended to be taken along-side any section of TPS French 1B to provide students with a second weekly time of live interaction and conversation with the instructor and other students. The entire 90 minutes of this supplemental “lab” class will be spent in conversation. Students will contribute ideas, give oral reports, discuss, debate, and engage with their classmates in French. Some of the class time will be spent playing games and reinforcing the vocabulary and grammar taught in the weekly French 1B class. No new material will be covered during this time. There will be some reading and preparation for this class, but very little written homework. Students are required to have a working mic. If this twice-a-week format is better for your student, don’t miss this opportunity to turn your one-session-per-week course into a two-session-per-week course!

Grade Levels*:
* Enrollment restricted based on Date of Birth and Grad Year (whichever is more limiting). Enrollment outside these levels requires written concurrence from TPS Support.
• Concurrent enrollment in TPS French 1B Language and Culture
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“French Conversations 1B helped me better understand the French language.”

Nicolas P
Reviews from Students and Parents