Profile of a TPS Graduate
In our courses, programs, and activities, TPS seeks to foster academic excellence and Christian virtue exemplified by these qualities and characteristics.
- Practice faith as a personal individual relationship with God based on the traditional Christian Trinitarian creeds, and with respect for confessional (denominational) differences among professing Christians.
- Respect equally the worth and dignity of every individual person, including those with differing political, social, and religious views.
- Share their time, talents, resources, and leadership with their local and global communities with valuable contributions to society and God’s kingdom.
- Appreciation for learning and study as valuable life-long efforts and priorities.
- Ability to accept constructive feedback and learn from the input of diverse others.
- Experience in kind, respectful, and productive civic discourse with diverse peoples of differing priorities and views.
- Academic skills necessary to succeed vocationally, including critical thinking, effective oral and written communication, analysis, problem-solving, and working collaboratively with others.
- Broad knowledge in all academic areas as a basis for understanding current issues.
- Understanding of the collection and analysis of information, including distinctions between:
- Data / Fact
- Correlation / Causality
- Anecdotal / Statistical
- Hypothesis / Warranted Belief / Proof
- MATH: A solid foundation in Math that includes successful completion of full-scope courses in Algebra, Geometry, and Advanced Algebra.
- A solid foundation in Life Sciences that includes a full-scope Biology course with formal labs.
- Familiarity with major theories of the origin of life including scientific and theological considerations.
- Solid foundation in Physical Sciences
- Full-scope Chemistry course with formal labs.
- Functional understanding of Physics.
- Broad knowledge of world history and cultures from ancient to present, including worldviews developed and differentiated over time and within cultures.
- Proficient in the process of a polished analytical essay that includes research, inductive thesis, deductive analysis, concise explanation, logical defense, and rhetorical persuasion in academically correct English.
- Individual understanding of one’s gifts, talents, and passions in pursuit of a career or vocation at the cross-section of those unique traits.
- Responsibility, accountability, diligence, time-management, study, and organizational skills necessary to succeed in their future endeavors.
- Technical proficiency working with text documents and other online resources.
- Respect for the intellectual credit and ownership of individuals and organizations.
- Strong collaborative skills (i.e., a “team player”) working in a globally connected context.