Art speaks to all of us regardless of our race, culture or life experiences. It conveys knowledge that we cannot gain through other studies and helps us make connections that use the whole brain rather than one dominant domain. Art is a safe place to explore open-ended questions about what it means to be human and why something is considered to be aesthetically beautiful or valuable. Art can also be a form of worship, and some philosophers have considered the arts to be a key link in the complex relationship between what we believe and how we behave. If art is a universal language that synthesizes understanding and action, then that language is best learned by simultaneously studying and doing art. The heart of this foundational art course is studying the elements and principles of design by practicing the processes and techniques of creating art. The course will explore a variety of art media across multiple art themes. Through the creative process, students of all talent levels will explore beauty, develop fine motor skills, use critical thinking and enhance intuition and creativity. Teacher demonstrations and individual feedback will help students hone their skills. Students should expect their artwork to be discussed anonymously and respectfully in class as part of the group learning process. This course is suitable for a range of talent and experience levels for both Art and non-Art majors. It is highly recommended and serves as a prerequisite for students who want to take advanced art courses in TPS.
Art 1 - 2D Design
Notes and Conditions
Transcript Planning: Art 1 – Drawing 1 and Art 1 – 2D Design are the core courses that should be taken by every student desiring to pursue further studies in the visual arts.
“This art class is absolutely wonderful, covering as many art terms and forms as possible in its one-semester time frame. The teaching is clear and detailed, and if the students have questions, they are immediately answered. Students get a chance to see each other’s art work and critique the pieces. The critiquing process is mostly just little pieces of advice for how to improve the art piece. This class is interactive and fun, but also challenging for someone who has not done art pieces like this before. Overall, I highly recommend this class as being something that will help enhance skills and open more doors to other, more advanced and challenging classes.”
“This class was a real help for me to develop myself as an artist. I didn’t really take art classes before, so this class was a new experience — and it was a very educational one too. We explored so many different techniques in art, but I was able to keep track because of the clear teaching, explanations, examples, and instructions for our own projects, in which we implemented the concepts we learned. We were also given articles explaining different concepts more and exploring the work of different artists, from which we could get inspiration. My teacher was really encouraging, as well as patient and kind in helping us with problems, showing us how to improve our art, or even explaining deep and personal meanings behind some pieces that were submitted.”
“This course is perfect for all artists because it is designed to teach students not just how to make good art, but also how to apply certain techniques, concepts, and principles to their artwork to make it visually interesting. The class has a very welcoming and God-centered environment, which is another reason why I really recommend it. I have no complaints, and I really suggest that you try it.”
“Do not be afraid to enroll in this course. I had never been a part of any art classes previously, but the teacher was patient and very understanding! The skills you learn here can provide a good foundation for future art classes. You learn not only how to create great art, but also why you should use different art tools.”
“Wonderful and engaged teacher who dedicates herself to her classes. Intriguing art projects and exciting critique days as well. Complex concepts are explained simply and understandably.”
“This class was AMAZING!! It built upon the foundations that I learned in Drawing 1, which is awesome to help me continue growing in my art journey! The teacher is so much fun and I have learned a ton that has made me a better artist overall. Definitely a class I don’t regret taking!”
“This class was very helpful in not only learning about the elements and principles of art, but in learning how to apply them to my artwork. The wide range of media we worked with helped us to go beyond our comfort zone to try new media, styles, and techniques. In-class critiques were full of creative, outside-of-the box comments and suggestions, while also being very encouraging and helpful. Overall I’d say this class helped me to think more deeply about the choices I make in my artwork and to be more intentional about it with my new understanding of how all the elements and principles of art come together.”
“The teacher is wonderful, and I love her passion for the course. You don’t need to be good at art to take the class, and you learn many skills along the way that help you better your art pieces and their outcome. The teacher has helped me appreciate different art styles and I was able to experiment and find my favorite art materials. I’m very excited to see what next semester’s class has in store.”
“This course is excellent for the fundamentals of designing an art piece and creating a finished piece. The teacher focuses on composition and design elements, really helping students who want to take their art to the next level.”
“This course really helped me to build the foundations for art. Even though I was not new to art, there were lots of techniques that I did not know. The lessons were thorough and the assignments that were provided allowed me to try different mediums which allowed me to see what mediums and techniques suited me best.”