This course is Year 1 of Belhaven High Scholars. Year 2 information is here.
In partnership between TPS and Belhaven University, High Scholars is a “classics” (“Great Books”) program that integrates western history, literature, and art from ancient to contemporary times. Live classes feature interactive dialogue, including regular teacher-moderated “round table” discussions, allowing students to examine and analyze course topics through collaborative conversation. The integrated nature of this program allows students to dive deep into the events and ideas that have shaped the modern world: students study not only the literature, art, and history of western civilization, but also the intellectual and philosophical movements – the ideas and modes of thought – that lie behind these. These trends and developments are analyzed and considered from a distinctly biblical worldview. This two-year curriculum welcomes students grade 10 and up.
- Four (4) live interactive classes each week, including regular “round table” discussions (mics and cameras)
- 24 college credits (Freshman Comp 1 and 2, World Lit 1 and 2, Western History 1 and 2, Contemporary History, Art Appreciation)
- Two (2) years of high school History, Lit and Comp, and academic electives (6 HS credits)
- Content integration allows for considerably lower total workload than each subject taken separately
High School Credits Year 1 and 2 (TPS transcript)
Year 1
- High Scholars Western Literature and Composition 1 (1 credit)
- High Scholars Western History (1 credit)
- High Scholars Western Worldviews (1 credit)
Year 2
- High Scholars Western Literature and Composition 2 (1 credit)
- High Scholars Contemporary World History (1 credit)
- High Scholars Art History (1 credit)
College Credits Year 1 and 2 (Belhaven University transcript)
Year 1
- ENG101 Freshman English I (3 credits)
- ENG203 Survey of World Lit I (3 credits)
- HIS107 Civilization I (3 credits)
- HIS108 Civilization II (3 credits)
Year 2
- ENG102 Freshman English II (3 credits)
- ENG204 Survey of World Lit II (3 credits)
- HIS205 Contemporary World History (3 credits)
- ART215 Art Appreciation (3 credits)
(Note: These numbers and titles are from the Belhaven University Course Catalog)