In this course, grade 5/6 students “discover” the living world of God’s creation. The course will explore the intricacies of microscopic life, cell biology, and ecology while providing a thorough grounding in classification. We’ll study water creatures, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals. Learning how living creatures meet their energy requirements and how they interact and communicate will help students to appreciate the complexity of creation. This class offers a project-based curriculum which promotes firsthand learning with maximum impact and minimum preparation. We will learn about the amazing body systems and construct physical models to better understand how they work. We will also consider a worldview perspective by reflecting on the proper use of scientific knowledge for the glory of God. These engaging firsthand experiences will help to instill students with a lifelong love of science and a greater curiosity for the world around us.
Elementary Science - Discovering God’s Living World
Course Catalog ID:
Subject Categories:
Elementary Class, Science
Grade Levels*:
5, 6
* Enrollment restricted based on Date of Birth and Grad Year (whichever is more limiting). Enrollment outside these levels requires written concurrence from TPS Support.
Notes and Conditions
Alternating Years: This course alternates every other year with Elementary Science – Discovering God’s Physical World. It will be offered next in 2025-26.