This course takes a unique approach to teaching writing to early middle school students. Instead of skill drills and unmotivated assignments, students study good writers they already enjoy — like Lewis, Tolkien, L’Engle and others — to see how these writers catch the reader’s interest, and how audience, purpose, and genre shape their writing content. Students write their own creative work, including poetry, narratives, short stories, and personal essays, with each assignment divided into manageable elements that are built gradually into a finished piece of writing. Students learn grammar in the same tightly integrated composition process that gives them tools to construct rich, varied sentences without having to interrupt the enjoyment of writing to practice mechanics. Reflection activities allow students ample opportunity to work through their difficulties, recognize their strengths, and identify areas for growth.
English 1 Confident Composition
Notes and Conditions
Confident Comp vs. Lit and Comp: This Confident Comp course is ideal for students taking a separate literature course without thorough writing instruction and evaluation. It is also ideal for reluctant writers to build confidence, or late-starting writers to develop more quickly by focusing on just the writing. For a complete English Language Arts course, please select the corresponding TPS English Lit and Comp course instead of this course.
EFL Program: Students with EFL-A Tutoring may not take this course.
Grammar Note: Students needing to strengthen their Grammar foundation are encouraged to take TPS Grammar Foundations for Elementary and Middle School Writing in the summer before this course.
Summer Preparation: To get an additional boost in writing improvement, students are encouraged to take TPS Writing for Middle School in the summer before this course.