Fostering academic excellence and biblical virtue to equip students for lives as local and global Christian servants.

French 1A Language and Culture

Course Catalog ID:
Subject Categories:
Global Language

French is spoken on all continents and by more than 220 million people in over 40 countries. An estimated one-third of English words are derived from French, and if you speak English then you may already know some 15,000 French words without having studied the language! This course uses an academic French curriculum with great multimedia resources, making the class ideal for a range of student needs, including students who just want to meet high school foreign language requirements for college, and also for students who may want to go further — even to AP French. The course uses the same Bien Dit curriculum as TPS French 1, but covers the material at a more relaxed pace and adds learning activities enhanced for middle school learners. Students learn vocabulary for greetings and descriptions of people, school and hobbies. They also learn the three main verb families and some irregular verbs in the past, present and near future tenses. Throughout the course, students learn about French-speaking countries and their culture. The class time is used for speaking activities, explanations, and cultural highlights, and there are several hours of work outside of class each week.

Grade Levels*:
7, 8
* Enrollment restricted based on Date of Birth and Grad Year (whichever is more limiting). Enrollment outside these levels requires written concurrence from TPS Support.

• Students concurrently receiving academic support for English as a Foreign Language (e.g., TPS EFL-A Tutoring) require TPS Support approval to enroll this course. This course is taught assuming the student's primary language is English.

Notes and Conditions

Suggested Pairing: Do you feel that your TPS French 1A student would benefit from more instruction of the material, more time to hone pronunciation, and more opportunity to practice conversational skills with the teacher and other students? Then don’t miss this opportunity to turn your one-session-a-week French course into a two-session-a-week course by adding French Conversations for French 1A to your French 1A course! This is offered for the spring semester only.

Transcript Planning: This course may be combined in series with French 1B to provide the equivalent of HS French 1 taken over two years for a more relaxed pace and stronger French foundation. The course does not confer any credit without successful completion of French 1B.

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“I would recommend this course because it inspired me to love French. The workbook was very clear and easy to understand, and when I had finished the week’s homework I always understood the material. This was the very best class I have ever taken.”

Catherine P

“I would recommend this course to anyone who is looking to learn a foreign language. French is a beautiful and graceful language that many people need to know and learn. There are approximately 301,096,000 (plus me in the future) French speakers all around the world, so learning this language would put you a step higher than most of the people around you who only know one language. It stimulates the brain and gives you a chance to go to more French-speaking countries and be able to understand and speak their language fluently.”

Lempiris L

“Throughout this course I learned so much! French is such an elegant language and this class is an amazing way to learn it. I recommend this course because it is fun and educational.”

Ivy B

“I came into this class not knowing how to say anything. Now I can speak full sentences without thinking about it. I have learned so much from this class.”

Harrison A

“This course really helps those who are interested in French and are curious about this language. It is fun to learn about a unique culture and beautiful language. I have learned a lot through this year and can talk freely about some subjects.”

Yuanning Y
Reviews from Students and Parents