Fostering academic excellence and biblical virtue to equip students for lives as local and global Christian servants.


Course Catalog ID:
Subject Categories:

This pivotal course is a bridge between elementary mathematics and Algebra, concentrating on conceptual understanding through development of number sense and application of critical thinking and reasoning. Throughout the course students are challenged to recognize patterns; explore relationships using equations, tables and graphs; and analyze data to make predictions. Teacher-led discussion and group work facilitate student discovery to stimulate and facilitate independent learning. Topics include: introduction to basic algebra concepts; integers and their operations; solving one-step equations (including with negative numbers); operations with negative rational numbers; solving and graphing linear equations; writing equations for word problems; introduction to the concept of slope; ratios; rates; proportions; percent; angle relationships; Pi; area and circumference of a circle; surface area; volume; the Pythagorean Theorem; probability; statistics; explaining strategies for solving real-world problems; and more.

Grade Levels*:
6, 7, 8, 9
* Enrollment restricted based on Date of Birth and Grad Year (whichever is more limiting). Enrollment outside these levels requires written concurrence from TPS Support.
Notes and Conditions

Curriculum: This course uses a customized version of the highly-rated Math Mammoth curriculum and is offered in cooperation with Math Mammoth. This curriculum is the same one used in TPS Elementary Math Fundamentals courses, and is specifically designed to prepare a student for the Pearson math series used in TPS Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2.

“This is a great math course! The material builds on top of previous lessons and it’s easy to understand. I like Math a lot more than I used to!”

Marissa C

“I would recommend this course because it helped me understand math better than I ever have. The teacher is so kind and helpful and always makes sure I understand everything.”

Christina B

“This is a wonderful and challenging Pre-Algebra course! The teacher is very committed and all she wants for her students is to understand what she is teaching. It is a fantastic class and I strongly encourage those who are considering Pre-Algebra with TPS to give it a try.”

Ceci C (Student)

“Pre-Algebra has really helped me to understand and like math more. Before I took math at TPS, it was very boring and practically a chore. Taking math at TPS is a lot more interesting.”

Jonah B

“Before taking Pre-Algebra, I had a strong aversion for math. However, as I took the course, math became my favorite subject! Pre-Algebra helped me understand more about mathematics.”

Dianna P

“I would highly recommend this course because it teaches many ways to find the solutions and encourages me to solve math problems without fear.”

Sami N

“Doing Pre-Algebra through The Potter’s School has been a great experience that has totally changed my opinion of math. I highly recommend taking this course.”

Naomi L

“I love this class! It’s perfectly-paced and the teacher is awesome. I’ll admit, when I started TPS two years ago I pretty much hated math. But now I actually enjoy learning about it and figuring out how to solve problems! I would definitely recommend TPS Math!”

Emma S

“This course engages the critical thinking side of math as well as the math formulas. Before taking this course, I took math from a different curriculum that only taught how to put the answers on paper; now I truly understand what I’m doing.”

Wade S
Reviews from Students and Parents