Fostering academic excellence and biblical virtue to equip students for lives as local and global Christian servants.

Writing 6 Exploration

Course Catalog ID:
Subject Categories:
Elementary Class, English as a Foreign Language (EFL), English Language Arts, New and Improved, Writing and Composition

This redesigned exciting and engaging course is for young writers who have already learned to write 2-3 paragraph responses to questions or topics of interest and are ready to expand their writing skills creatively and academically. Students will learn how to write short stories while studying techniques for character, setting, and plot development to create relatable and captivating tales. Through the exploration of narrative and analytical writing techniques, students will begin to develop their own unique voice that is both engaging and persuasive. This course also includes grammar and mechanics instruction that will train students to create more sophisticated sentence structures for sentence variety and fluency. In-class workshops will provide opportunities for students to receive feedback on their work from their peers, promoting a positive and creative environment for writing.

Grade Levels*:
6, 7
* Enrollment restricted based on Date of Birth and Grad Year (whichever is more limiting). Enrollment outside these levels requires written concurrence from TPS Support.
• Successful completion (75% or higher) of TPS Writing 5 Adventures
━ OR ━
• Successful completion of Readiness Test
Notes and Conditions

English Language Arts: To form a complete elementary language arts program, add a TPS Elementary Humanities course to this writing course.

Grammar: This writing course includes some grammar but not a complete grammar curriculum. If you want an interactive Grammar class with this course, please consider TPS Grammar 1 – Structure and Mechanics.

EFL Program: If English is not your first language and you are considering this course to improve your English writing, please contact us to discuss taking this course (or a more suitable course) as part of our English as a Foreign Language program.

“This class is perfect for all aspiring young writers! I have always loved to write, and in this class, I learned to do it better than ever before. The teacher is kind, encouraging, and very funny, and her methods always strive to improve and strengthen our writing. Through teacher-led discussions, students conference their writing, and learn to hone and improve their skills!”

Rachel X

“This course turned out to be better than I expected. The teacher’s impressive; she taught us how to write well through in-class lectures and after-class writing assignments. I learned how descriptions and examples can make essays so much stronger, how to replace weaker words with stronger ones, and so many other valuable things. Through this course, my writing improved a lot.”

Rebekah W

“I would definitely recommend this course to others because it really has helped me grow in my writing skills. While at the beginning of the year, I would not have known how to write an essay at all, I now have successfully written several. I also have grown in my grammar skills, vocabulary skills, and my writing skills in general. Why, I bet at the beginning of the year, I would not have been able to write a paragraph like this.”

Adelaide S

“I loved this course so much. I learned new grammar skills and refreshed old ones. In the class you will be assigned some really fun projects to get your creative juices flowing. The teachers in this course are the best!!”

Reece K

“Before I took this class, writing essays never appealed to me, but now, I have gained a lot of knowledge about writing, and my writing skill has improved very much. Not only did the instructor teach essay writing, but students can also learn grammar in the class. Students often work in breakout rooms as a group to do research or check each other’s essays and leave encouraging, specific, and polite comments. Thanks to Writing 6, I started to enjoy writing greatly.”

Michael X

“When you don’t know grammar into its depths, but you really enjoy writing, this is the course for you! I honestly took this course to simply get better at writing stories, but I got better at a lot more than just that. I have learned about different kinds of sentences, verbs, punctuation marks, and much more, and have been able to fit that into the writing I did in this course! It has been so much fun, and I have learned a lot. If you’re worried about the teachers though, you shouldn’t be! They are so sweet, very patient, and careful about making sure you understand. You aren’t piled with a whole bunch of assignments either. This is a wonderful class!”

Gabriella M

“Before taking this class, looking at a blank paper made me cry, but this class has made me more confident in writing essays.”

Tania S

“In only one year, my writing skills have grown so rapidly! Now I REALLY enjoy writing! My teacher is kind and encouraging, and she was great at teaching! I’ll always remember the precious time in class!”

Lily Y

“This is the best writing course I have ever had! I learned so many writing skills, and best of all, the teacher’s feedback on my writing was unbelievably detailed! Students will learn to write a variety of essays including fiction, memoir, persuasive, and descriptive. Also, I have understood many complicated grammars through this class. All in all, in my personal opinion, this course is wonderful for elementary writing.”

Maria L

“This course has improved my writing a lot, and the amount of grammar mixed into it was perfect. The homework was not overwhelming and we spent just the right amount of time going over everything. I have really enjoyed this course!”

Baelyn G
Reviews from Students and Parents