This two-credit combined course studies both Macroeconomics and Microeconomics and prepares students for both AP exams. Studying both in the same course is more effective and efficient because it integrates common content and reinforces related content. Macroeconomics is a broader study of the economy, specifically considering national productivity, the Federal Reserve, and general collective changes in the economy. Microeconomics focuses primarily on the experience of the individual in a market society, specifically the impact of individual choices, the role of government and competition. The course aligns with AP topics and standards and utilizes the study and practice test resources provided by the College Board. It also uses interactive online text resources to provide more instruction and practice. The teacher provides a video lecture each week to prepare students for the live class, and the live class is used for discussion and for teaching and practicing the challenging math problems that are required throughout the study of Economics. Students also do reading, problem sets, forum discussion, AP practice exercises, and AP practice exams.
AP Macro and Microeconomics
Notes and Conditions
Transcript Planning: Taking both macro- and microeconomics together enhances and reinforces knowledge of both subjects and helps students earn higher AP exam scores on both exams. This course transcripts and credits as two AP courses. Students must complete the entire course to receive any credit and may not take either semester separately.
Flexible Scheduling: This course may be taken with live class attendance reduced or waived if the student has a schedule or time zone conflict. Please review the Flexible Scheduling information for details.
AP® Certified: Learn more about TPS AP courses and exam results. (AP® is a trademark owned by the College Board, which is not affiliated with, and does not endorse, this course.)
California A-G: This course has CA A-G approval.