Fostering academic excellence and biblical virtue to equip students for lives as local and global Christian servants.

Spanish Conversations for Spanish 1B

Course Catalog ID:
Subject Categories:
Global Language

One session of foreign language instruction a week is good for some, but not optimal for others. Do you feel that your TPS Spanish 1B student would benefit from more review of the vocabulary taught in the weekly lesson, more time to ask questions, and more opportunity to practice conversational skills to promote mastery? Then make the most of your student’s Spanish language learning experience by participating in this language lab! Spanish Conversations 1 for Spanish 1B is a 90 minute weekly session intended to be taken alongside the TPS Spanish 1B course to provide students with a second weekly time of live interaction and conversation with the instructor and other students. Students will use vocabulary taught in their Spanish 1B class to practice conversing with one another and to reinforce Spanish grammar understanding. Using pictures, cartoons, newspaper articles, and language websites, students will engage for 90 minutes with classmates in Spanish. No new material will be presented and no additional outside work is required. Don’t miss this opportunity to turn your one-session-per-week course into a two-session-per-week course!

Grade Levels*:
* Enrollment restricted based on Date of Birth and Grad Year (whichever is more limiting). Enrollment outside these levels requires written concurrence from TPS Support.
• Concurrent enrollment in TPS Spanish 1B Language and Culture
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“I would recommend this course to others because of the amazing teaching and the great chances you will have to participate and get better at Spanish pronunciation. This class will skyrocket your ability to not only know Spanish, but to be able to speak it. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who wants to learn how to speak Spanish.”

Zoe T

“Spanish Conversations was an enriching course for me to take while also being enrolled in Spanish 1B. It provided extra clarity, allowed me to ask any questions that needed to be answered in class, and gave an opportunity for me and my classmates to practice our Spanish.”

Nola H

“I would highly recommend this course as a side class for Spanish 1B. The teacher is amazing and the class is really fun.”

Baelyn G
Reviews from Students and Parents