TPS College Contemporary World History – History That Matters Now!
History isn’t just the distant events and ideas that eventually became the present. Understanding the flow of events and ideas since 1900 is particularly relevant to understanding the real world today, including its diverse responses to a global pandemic. TPS offers a high school course for optional dual college credit that studies recent and current world history.
Course Description
This course examines world history from the end of the Nineteenth Century to the present. It considers not just the major political and military events of the Twentieth Century, but also religious, social, philosophical and artistic movements that have had a profound impact on the way people think, act, and conduct their personal and public lives today. This course touches everything from the battlefields of France during WWI, the rise of modern China, the Holocaust, the growth of Communism and the Soviet Union, the Iranian Revolution, and the growth of radical Islam to the significant works of Pablo Picasso, the music of the Beatles, the hedonism of the 1970s and the rise of Conservatism in both Europe and the United States. We will consider primary source documents and popular current history authors of today as students learn to argue their ideas in writing, formulating their own opinions and convictions as they consider their future.
Teacher Information
The teacher is a Master Teacher with an undergrad background in Bible and history, an international masters degree in History, years of teaching experience and awards, and considerable worldwide travel and academic study.
About TPS (
- Live online classes since 1997
- 200+ courses grades 4 to 12
- Adjustable credit options
- Timely effective teacher feedback
- Biblical worldview
- Academic advising and planning
- Diploma partnership option
- AP® courses with top exam scores
- College dual credit courses
- Honors courses
- Delightful instructive elementary classes
- Clubs and social opportunities
- Accreditation and certifications
- NCAA approved courses
- CA A-G approved courses
- Faithfully non-profit