Fostering academic excellence and biblical virtue to equip students for lives as local and global Christian servants.

Grading Scale, Credits, and GPA

  • This information applies to official TPS transcripts. It is based on practices recommended by the College Board and preferences of competitive colleges.
  • If you are generating your own homeschool transcript, you do not have to follow these practices and guidelines. However, the homeschool transcript may not use TPS credentials (name, logo, accreditation).
  • For a TPS high school course, one year of one subject equals one credit. This is the standard recommended by the College Board and preferred by colleges.
  • For integrated courses (e.g., TPS Integrated Humanities which combine English + History), two individual HS credits are conferred, one in each subject.
  • TPS dual college credit courses will confer one HS credit for one year of each subject, and simultaneously confer 3-4 college credits for the same course if the student registers for the college credit with the university. TPS provides the high school transcript and the university provides the college transcript.
  • TPS does not provide partial credits. Courses dropped prior to completion are listed as Dropped with no credit or grade.
GPA Calculation
  • TPS transcripts use a standard unweighted grade scale (see below) recommended by the College Board and preferred by most colleges.
  • On a TPS transcript, the cumulative GPA for that transcript is calculated by (1) converting all individual course grades to their corresponding letter-grade GPA values (see below), then (2) averaging the course GPAs to a cumulative GPA for that transcript. This is recommended approach used by most schools and preferred by most colleges. (Note: This is an “unweighted” GPA because every full-year course is weighted the same, including honors, college-credit, and AP courses. See below for “weighted GPA” information.)
  • TPS uses the most prevalent and recommended “four point scale” practice of GPA calculation, but there are other practices used in various U.S. states and schools. When TPS sends a transcript to a college, the grading scale is included. This is required by colleges, and it is used by competitive colleges to “normalize” transcript grades across the applicants. For competitive college applications, the GPA scale is not a competitive factor in ranking applicants.
  • Taking honors courses, college dual credit courses, and AP courses (with AP exams) from a high standards school like TPS improves your competitive standing in a comparative review by the college. When TPS sends a transcript to a college, the school profile is also included with the transcript. The school profile gives the competitive college additional basis for assessing the academic rigor of the credits listed on the transcript.
  • Some U.S. states and colleges use a weighted GPA transcript for some financial aid or scholarship opportunities.
    • For TPS Diploma Partner graduates, TPS will provide a weighted GPA transcript when it is required by a college or beneficial for a particular college application or scholarship. (Weighted GPA transcripts are available only to TPS Diploma Partner students working through your TPS adviser.)
    • For other graduates, in addition to the unweighted accredited transcript, TPS provides all the data necessary to generate a homeschool transcript with a weighted GPA customized to your own preferences.
GPA Table (Unweighted)
Course Grade %GPALetter
59 and below0.00Fail