Fostering academic excellence and biblical virtue to equip students for lives as local and global Christian servants.

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Uniquely engaging and enjoyable courses (where you might not know to look)

Notice: This page is currently being updated for 2025-26. We welcome you to review it now, and we encourage you to check back again for further updates.

TPS has hundreds of courses, including many unique courses not found anywhere else. We often hear “I wish I had known about that course!” Here are uniquely engaging courses (including new courses and updated courses) you will want to discover for your education plans.

  • Bible Study and Teaching – “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.” (2 Tim 3:16-17) Christian teens today want to understand the Bible. They also want to discuss it with friends, including Christian and non-Christian. With social media, youth are more connected and interactive today than ever before, but they also have less opportunity to study and learn their Bible (current trends in church youth ministry are also not oriented toward Bible study). As a result, our kids often don’t feel like they know their Bible well enough to be confident in their own understanding or in knowledgeable discussion. This course meets two profound spiritual needs and heartfelt desires for your student: learn how to study the Bible for lifelong spiritual strength and growth, and become comfortable and confident in discussing the Bible with others…
  • Business and Entrepreneurship – What does it take to start and run a business today? Do you have a great idea for a small business startup, but don’t know how to turn the idea into an action plan? Or perhaps you have an interest in business, but don’t know what area you want to pursue? In this course, students will learn and apply the practical ingredients for business, from concept evaluation, market study, government and regulatory concerns and financing to logistics, marketing, management, production, quality control…
  • Economics – This course provides a broad view of the social science of economics. It builds on real-world economic applications to create a basic understanding of economic concepts and our economic system. It includes study of basic macro and microeconomic concepts. Students will be introduced to the basics of economic principles, and they will learn about different economic systems, with an emphasis on the American system of free enterprise. Students will analyze and interpret economic data to understand the laws of supply and demand, and expand these to various economic applications in today’s world. Through consideration of economics principles in business, money, banking, and finance, students will see how economics is applied both domestically and globally…
  • English 4/5/6 Advanced Comp – Classical Style and Rhetoric – This course returns the study and practice of excellent writing to its traditional roots. Excellent writing starts with organized thinking and analysis which is developed into a clear relatable argument and then presented with concise rhetoric and style that captures interest and persuades the reader. This traditional approach to effective communication—analysis, argument, rhetoric—has been replaced today by opinion without analysis, contention without understanding, and dissuasive incivility. This course discards the contemporary playbook (and textbook) to focus on teaching writing from classical works that are valuable and engaging for faith-oriented students who want to pursue writing excellence with traditional topics, methods, and academic standards. The course refines all three phases of excellent writing: Students read, research, analyze, and discuss written works which draw upon classic works of great writing. Then they develop a thesis and outline a strategy for explaining and defending their thesis with relatable arguments. Then they write their essay persuasively with their own unique individual voice, and polish their writing for conciseness, powerful word choice, and engaging style…
  • English 4/5/6 Creative Writing Lit and Comp – One of the primary methods through which God reveals himself to us is Story. Stories of the past help us to know God, man, and the Creation. The fabric of the Creation continues to be woven by Stories of the present. Our present hope is anchored in Stories of the future restoration and new Creation. These stories communicate truths, and they are also creative. As image-bearers of the Great Storyteller, we also create stories to express and reveal the nature, experiences, and emotions of humankind as well as the beauty and tragedy of this world. In this course, we will study some of these great work stories, and work on writing our own stories…
  • Fiction Writing – Chef Gusteau in Disney’s Ratatouille posits that “anyone can cook.” In this course, we will pursue writing fiction with the mantra that “anyone can write.” Whether you are currently writing a novel or starting writing as a hobby, this course is for you. The course offers two tracks: one for the beginning writer seeking to build skills and explore options for a potential future manuscript, and the other for the writer who is already working on a manuscript. Regardless of which track is yours, we will develop our writing life together by developing our reading life. Together, we will study a fiction novel as well as excerpts from other novels and short stories to learn the art of storytelling from the masters. We will explore various genres of fiction to consider point of view, characterization, conflict, dialogue, theme, plot, setting, and more, with the purpose of applying these more masterfully in our own writing. We will also practice writing in community through writer’s workshops where we review each others’ writings…
  • French 1 Language and Culture – This redesigned one-day-per week course is part of a new two-year French track for students who want only two years of global language study in high school (required for college applications). It is reduced in pace and workload as direct preparation for the redesigned French 2 Language and Culture (also reduced in pace and workload) which will be offered starting 2026-27.
  • Fundamentals of the Christian Faith – Does your teen understand the Bible and how it applies to his or her life? A 2022 post-COVID Barna Group study reported: “Bible reading is not the norm for today’s teens… research shows that teens generally have positive opinions of the Bible… Despite these high views, engagement with the Bible remains low, and we see many teens express uncertainty about how scripture can influence their lives and the world around them.” This course provides the student a solid overview of fundamental teachings of the Bible and essentials of the Christian faith. It promotes biblical literacy and a builds strong framework of Christian doctrine…
  • Introduction to Graphic Design – Graphic design is an essential tool for visual communication and creative expression. A foundation in graphic design is essential for artists, designers, entrepreneurs, social media marketers, influencers, and anyone needing to communicate visually. In this course, students will be introduced to fundamental principles to recognize design in the world around them and empower them to create. Through progressive, cross-application projects, students will gain hands-on experience and learn to think creatively by designing in industry-standard Adobe graphic design software: Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign…
  • Holocaust History Through Lit and Film – Through this course, students will gain a better understanding of the history of the Holocaust through primary sources including photographs, newspaper articles, and survivor testimonies in addition to a variety of films like Schindler’s List, Life is Beautiful, and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas and works of nonfiction literature including Night by Elie Wiesel. Students will gain a foundational understanding of the events and factors leading up to the Holocaust…
  • Middle East History and Cultures – The Middle East has long been a crossroads of civilizations, a cradle of major world religions, and a center of cultural, political, and economic exchange. Middle East History and Culture is a high school-level survey course that explores the region’s historical developments, political structures, religious traditions, and cultural identities from ancient times to the present day. Students will examine key figures, geographic influences, and transformative events that have shaped the Middle East, analyzing how these historical forces continue to impact global affairs. Special emphasis will be placed on critical thinking and historical analysis, encouraging students to assess primary and secondary sources, recognize differing perspectives, and develop a nuanced understanding of the region’s complexities…
  • Spanish 1 Language and Culture – This redesigned one-day-per week course is part of a new two-year Spanish track for students who want only two years of global language study in high school (required for college applications). It is reduced in pace and workload as direct preparation for the redesigned Spanish 2 Language and Culture (also reduced in pace and workload) which will be offered starting 2026-27.
  • Western History and Culture – This course is a survey of the Western World as it has developed from its inception to the present. The course covers events, ideas, and cultural movements with particular attention to the role and influence of Christianity in the development of the West. Following a Judeo-Christian trajectory, the course starts with Abraham and the Old Testament patriarchs and progresses to the Kingdom of Israel, then to the Roman Empire and the Hellenic world. The trajectory then follows the European kingdoms and the Church through the East-West Schism. After this, the course follows the Western Church to the Renaissance, Reformation, and development of Modern Science, then to the Enlightenment, the rise of nation-states, and the Modern Age. The course concludes by considering the global events of the twentieth century, including two World Wars and the Great Depression, and then a brief discussion of contemporary issues…
  • U.S. Government – In 200 years the U.S. government went from “revolutionary” to “American experiment” to “leader of the free world.” American liberty has become iconic, yet is still atypical enough that the U.S. is “the land of the free” in the eyes of the rest of the world. Where did the U.S. founding fathers get their unique concept of liberty, and how did they establish our government to protect and preserve it? The purpose of this course is to teach the student how our unique government came to be, how it functions, and what sustains it…
  • Works of C.S Lewis – Though well-known for The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis was also a renowned lecturer, essayist, apologist, and theologian. Through this course, students will explore the rich array of works and ideas that Lewis has to offer. We will analyze theological concepts and see how those ideas are also presented in works of allegorical fiction like the science fiction novel Out of the Silent Planet, the epistolary novel The Screwtape Letters, and the novella The Great Divorce. We will revisit a classic myth retold with a twist in Till We Have Faces and delve into rhetoric and apologetics with Mere Christianity

Discover all the unique, new, or improved TPS courses by selecting the “New and Improved” category in our Course Catalog.

About TPS (
  • Live online classes since 1997
  • 200 courses grades 4 to 12
  • Adjustable credit options
  • Timely effective teacher feedback
  • Biblical worldview
  • Academic advising and planning
  • Diploma partnership option
  • AP® courses with top exam scores
  • College dual credit courses
  • Honors courses
  • Delightful instructive elementary classes
  • Clubs and social opportunities
  • Accreditation and certifications
  • NCAA approved courses
  • CA A-G approved courses
  • Faithfully non-profit