Fostering academic excellence and biblical virtue to equip students for lives as local and global Christian servants.

Tuition, Fees, Payments, and Refunds

As a non-profit school, we charge only what is needed to provide excellent education in a sustainable ethical business. All fees go toward running the school and teaching the classes, with no executive salaries or owner profits. We do not have inflated fees with gimmicky discounts to coax you into hasty enrollment, and we do not run sales or have sliding prices that coerce you into enrolling prematurely to get lower rates. We want your enrollment process to be an unpressured series of well-informed deliberate decisions and commitments where you carefully consider the benefits and costs and settle all your options before you enroll.

When are fees charged, when is payment required, and what is reversible / refundable?

  • All payments must be made individually online by you. We never automatically or manually take payments from any credit card or account.
  • We do not have late fees, interest fees, or other penalty fees.
  • When you first enroll in one or more courses for the academic year, you must pay the Family Registration Fee of $75. This fee may be partially refundable under limited conditions.
  • For each course you enroll, you are immediately charged a portion of the tuition (see below for percentage amounts based on enrollment date).
    • For a brief self-management period (several hours) after you self-enroll a course, you may self-drop that enrollment from your family account with full reversal of all tuition and materials fees  (this allows you to settle complex schedules involving multiple courses and students). Once this short self-management window expires for the course such that you can no longer self-drop the course from the family account, the self-management window will not be extended or renewed, and non-refundable fees will not be waived.
    • Other than the brief self-management window, the tuition portion charges (see below for percentage amounts based on enrollment date) are non-reversible and non-refundable except if we decline to place you into the course after assessing your academic readiness.
    • If you drop a course before the date a payment is due (see below for tuition percentage amounts and due dates), you are not charged for that payment or subsequent payments for that course.
    • If you do not submit readiness (placement) materials for a course or do not make your initial tuition payment for a course, so that we are forced to drop the course, the non-refundable tuition portion (see below for percentage amounts based on enrollment date) is still owed.
    • If you enroll in a course in compliance with course Target Grade Levels and Prerequisites, and you submit readiness approval materials promptly, accurately, and completely for the course, and TPS declines the enrollment based on academic readiness assessment, all tuition and fees for that specific course will be reversed and removed (non-refundable portions waived).
  • If you are on a Wait List and a seat comes open for you, we will immediately place you in the requested seat and apply the standard fees. Because your Wait List enrollment is also your formal (written) request to be enrolled in a Held Seat, the non-reversible and non-refundable fees for initial enrollment are assessed (charged) immediately with the switch to the Held Seat.

Does TPS accept payments from state programs that provide financial aid for home school?

Please see the Financial Aid information for details.

Summary of Fees and Payments

All Fees (Summary)
Family Registration Fee
  • Varies per course. Tuition for each course is listed in the course catalog.
  • Assessed in standard dated increments (three increments for Full year courses; two increments for Fall, Spring, Summer courses).
  • First increment is due upon enrollment after readiness approval.
  • Each increment is non-refundable once it is due.
Wait Lists (No Fee)
  • There is no fee for a Wait List.
  • A Wait List is your standing request for immediate enrollment if a seat opens. It authorizes TPS to enroll and invoice you without further confirmation.
  • Wait List seats may be dropped by the family at anytime without notifying or involving TPS.
  • TPS enrolls the Wait List request immediately when a seat becomes available. (Therefore, you should drop a Wait List seat immediately when you are not certain you want it.)
  • Once the Wait List request is converted to a Held Seat, the enrollment is invoiced and non-refundable fees apply immediately.
Books and Materials (Resource Fee)
  • Some courses provide the digital textbook and associated resources to all students in the course. This fee applies only to some courses and varies per course.
  • Resource Fees for each course (if applicable) are listed in the course catalog.
  • Resource Fees are assessed (due) May 15 for Summer courses, July 15 for Full Year and Fall courses, and Nov 15 for Spring courses.
  • Resource Fees, if applicable for a course, are required for the course and non-refundable as of the due date.
Refund Processing Fee

Unless the refund is necessitated by TPS action (e.g., canceling a class), there is a processing fee for the administrative and transaction costs.

Payments Summary
  • We prefer eCheck payments. We accept credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Union Pay/Discover).
  • Payments have standard due dates (see below). We send courtesy reminders, but it is entirely the responsibility of the family to make on-time payments.
  • All payments must be made manually online. We do not process auto-payments or payments by phone, email or postal mail.
  • We accept payments from some state programs that provide financial aid for home school. Please see the Financial Aid information for details.
  • There are no fees for late payments, but seats dropped for non-payment will be assessed with standard non-refundable fees.

Please see our Refund Policy.

Details of Fees and Payments

Fees Details

Family Registration Fee (Annual)

There is an administrative fee each year for each enrolled family, including returning families. This fee of $75 is collected when you first enroll for that year. This fee may be partially refundable under limited conditions.

We appreciate the financial challenges of having multiple students in school at the same time. Therefore, we do not charge individual student enrollment fees.


Tuition varies by course, depending on the level of the course and the amount of individual feedback provided by the course. Tuition amounts can be found in the course details in the Course Catalog. Tuition is assessed only on Held (i.e., not Wait List) Seats with readiness approval. There is no tuition for a Wait List seat (but non-refundable fees are incurred immediately when the seat is converted to a Held Seat, so you should not join any Wait List unless you are committed to paying for that seat once it becomes available). Tuition is due incrementally and each increment is non-refundable once it is due:

  • Summer Term class
    • 1/2 due upon enrollment after readiness approval
    • 1/2 due May 15 (full tuition total)
  • Full Year Term class
    • 1/3 due upon enrollment after readiness approval
    • 1/3 due July 15 (2/3 total)
    • 1/3 due Nov 15 (full tuition total)
  • Fall Term class
    • 1/2 due upon enrollment after readiness approval
    • 1/2 due July 15 (full tuition total)
  • Spring Term class
    • 1/2 due upon enrollment after readiness approval
    • 1/2 due November 15 (full tuition total)

Books and Materials (Resources)

For each of our courses, we provide a complete list of required books (by ISBN) and major materials for each course in the Course Catalog to help families consider the total cost of enrollment. These items are listed under Resources and Materials for each course in the catalog. The tuition listed for each course in the course catalog does not include the cost of the items listed as Resources and Materials for the course. Most of the items listed in a course’s Resources and Materials are the family’s responsibility to obtain outside of TPS. However, for some courses TPS is able to provide required eTexts and digital courseware at lower cost with greater convenience than is available to individual families, or provide courseware that is available only to schools. For those courses, there is an additional Resource Fee to pay for the required digital license. The Resources and Materials list identifies these items so you know to expect a fee. However, the fee is not charged until TPS is required to commit the payment to the resource publisher. This is around one month before the start of classes, and once it is charged it is committed to the publisher and not refundable for any reason.

Digital Resources and Fees

Digital Resources (e.g., eTexts, courseware, handbooks) that are supplied by TPS are charged and not refundable starting:

  • Full Year Term class: July 15
  • Fall Term class: July 15
  • Spring Term class: Nov 15

Refund Processing Fee

Except in limited cases, there is a Refund Processing Fee for all refunds (e.g., a refund requested due to overpayment), to cover the fees that your bank charges us for your transactions. See our Refund Policy for details.

Payments Details

Our standard payment schedule is designed to minimize your up-front charges, especially for courses that have not yet started. We require that you make each payment individually from your family account. Though this is less convenient for you than automated recurring payments, we send you reminders to help you with your commitment to pay.

Financial Aid

We accept payments from some state programs that provide financial aid for home school. Please see the Financial Aid information for details.

We also have a Tuition Assistance gifting program which is funded entirely by donations from TPS families. Please consider donating.

Forms of Payment

We prefer payment by eCheck because they allow us to keep tuition rates lower. We accept credit cards (Visa, Mastercard, Union Pay/Discover). We do not accept paper checks, including paper checks sent by bill pay services. The first payment for a class is due promptly after the Held Seat (i.e., not Wait List) receives readiness verification. All payments are made manually online. We do not process auto-payments or payments by phone, email or postal mail.

Payment Due Dates
  • Summer Term class
    • 1/2 due upon enrollment after readiness approval
    • 1/2 due May 15 (full tuition total)
  • Full Year Term class
    • 1/3 due upon enrollment after readiness approval
    • 1/3 due July 15 (2/3 total)
    • 1/3 due Nov 15 (full tuition total)
  • Fall Term class
    • 1/2 due upon enrollment after readiness approval
    • 1/2 due July 15 (full tuition total)
  • Spring Term class
    • 1/2 due upon enrollment after readiness approval
    • 1/2 due November 15 (full tuition total)
Payment Plans

We are sensitive to the challenge of paying in full for multiple classes at one time, so we have a standard incremental payment schedule (see above) for each Academic Term. Families can also arrange a customized payment plan by making a request in writing to [email protected]. We do not charge additional fees or percentages for payment plans. We send email reminders and invoices as a courtesy, but families are responsible for tracking their own payments and paying on time. Customized payment plans must pay at a sufficient rate to cover non-refundable fees, and must complete by the end of the calendar year. Payment plans that do not meet these criteria will not be approved, an the standard payment timeline will remain in force.

Late or Missed Payments

TPS does not charge fees for late payments. However, we also do not commit to holding unpaid or underpaid seats. Seats dropped for non-payment will be charged the standard non-refundable fees, including placing the account in arrears and suspending all service until the debt is paid. TPS is not responsible for any academic or transcript losses, damages or injuries that may result from temporary or permanent loss of access to classes or records due to failure to make on-time payments.